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Charlie McGarraugh: Translating Tokenization techno-speak to Finance Professionals’ English

Charlie McGarraugh: Translating Tokenization techno-speak to Finance Professionals’ English

. 1 min read

Charlie McGarraugh is Chief Strategy Officer for, the largest self-custodied crypto wallet provider globally.  Previously he was a Goldman Sachs Partner and former head of metals trading, so his native language is finance. In this interview, Charlie explains Tokenization in terms that Finance professionals can relate to, then goes on to explain what this change will mean both to financial markets and to the people who work in them.

What to listen for:

  • How DeFi is reducing intermediation, counterparty-risk and operational costs in traditional financial asset trading?
  • Real-world examples of how tokenziation can reconstruct marketplaces for price discovery and settlement.
  • wallet to hold title to physical gold in a digital asset form.

Click here for the transcript to this episode.

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Smarter Markets - Charlie McGarraugh: Translating Tokenization techno-speak to Finance Professionals’ English
Charlie McGarraugh is Chief Strategy Officer for, the largest self-custodied crypto wallet provider globally. Previously he was a Goldman Sachs Partner and former head of metals trading, so his native language is finance. In this interview, Charlie explains Tokenization in terms that …