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Javier Blas and Jack Farchy: Episode 33 I An Emerging Framework for the 22nd-Century

Javier Blas and Jack Farchy: Episode 33 I An Emerging Framework for the 22nd-Century

. 2 min read

Todd Buchholz welcomes Bloomberg’s Javier Blas and Jack Farchy, Co-authors of ‘The World for Sale’, to Smarter Markets TM for the latest installment in our series ‘An Emerging Energy Framework for the 22nd-Century’.

Javier Blas and Jack Farchy are two of the world's best-known journalists covering energy, commodities and trading houses. They both work for Bloomberg News, where Blas is chief energy correspondent and Farchy is a senior reporter covering natural resources.

'The World for Sale' is the story of how a handful of swashbuckling businessmen became indispensable cogs in global markets: enabling an enormous expansion in international trade, and connecting resource-rich countries - no matter how corrupt or war-torn - with the world's financial centres.

Click here for the transcript to this episode.


Smarter Markets - Javier Blas and Jack Farchy: Episode 33 | An Emerging Framework for the 22nd-Century
Todd Buchholz welcomes Bloomberg’s Javier Blas and Jack Farchy, Co-authors of ‘The World for Sale’, to Smarter Markets for the latest instalment in our series ‘An Emerging Energy Framework for the 22nd-Century’.
‎Smarter Markets: Javier Blas and Jack Farchy: Episode 33 | An Emerging Framework for the 22nd-Century on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Smarter Markets, Ep Javier Blas and Jack Farchy: Episode 33 | An Emerging Framework for the 22nd-Century - Jul 9, 2021