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ESG Mini-Series: John Goldstein on Achieving ESG goals with Impact Investing

ESG Mini-Series: John Goldstein on Achieving ESG goals with Impact Investing

. 1 min read

Goldman Sachs’ global head of sustainable investing practices John Goldstein is this week’s feature interview guest. We discuss how to engage in ESG investing to make a difference by engaging directly with the industries that need reform, rather than avoiding them. John calls this Impact Investing, and we discuss this practice in detail in this episode.

Click here for the transcript to this episode.

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Smarter Markets - John Goldstein: Achieving ESG goals with Impact Investing
Goldman Sachs’ global head of sustainable investing practices John Goldstein is this week’s feature interview guest. We discuss how to engage in ESG investing to make a difference by engaging directly with the industries that need reform, rather than avoiding them. John calls this Impact Investing, …